Charlie is growing up fast and learning all kinds of tricks. Her latest - she apparently is a fan... of the fan! It seems that whenever Kyri or I hold her, inevitably she winds up staring up at the ceiling fan. Why? I dunno! I guess that's just what she's into these days. Whether it is in the living room, or our bedroom, the fan apparently is a big part in our sweet little daughter's life. You gotta admit, there is something pretty amazing about a big four armed creature that lights up and hangs down from the ceiling staring down at the world.

Look how pretty Charlie is!!!! It's so much fun to watch them see and learn new things? Having a baby is the most exciting experience ever! Isn't it funny how its all you ever talk about anymore??!!
Wait 'til she's big enough to go to Home Depot and walk down the LIGHT and FAN aisle. So much fun!
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