This first month has gone by so fast. Charlie is one month old and I can still hardly believe she is actually here. The past month has been challenging as first time parents, but we are all learning about each other and our challenges are getting easier and easier. Everytime I feel overwhelmed, all I have to do is look at that small little sweet face, and those big grey eyes and my heart melts and I know it's all worth it.
The first week home, Jeff stayed home from work, and my Mom came over to help out for a few days. We were taking shifts to watch Charlie while the others slept, which took its toll pretty fast on us. I remember thinking "How in the world am I still awake?". I guess my adrenaline was in overdrive. The second week Jeff went back to work, and my Mom came over every day to help me out. I couldn't have done it without her. The third week, Dad came over during the afternoons to give me a sleep break. I never knew how much I valued a good nap. This week I have a few days alone at it, and I feel so much more comfortable. Charlie is such a good baby. She has made it really easy on me.
I would like to say Thank You to my Mom, and all the Mom's out there. It is a hard job, especially in the beginning. Thanks Mom, for being patient, changing my diapers, loving me, and helping me grow into what I am today. Going through this experience has given me a new respect for all the Mom's I know. God Bless You All.
Jeff is such a great dad. Everytime I get overwhelmed or discouraged he is right there supporting me and letting me know we will get it all worked out together. He comes home from work and jumps right in, giving me a break. He is so good with Charlie. She is a lucky little girl to have such a great Daddy.
I am signing off for today, but will write more soon. Hopefully in the next few weeks we'll have more to report about what Charlie is up to. Right now it's just S.E.P. (Sleep Eat and Poop) ;)

What a great picture, you both are so beautiful!
I know you must be doing a great job! Nice picture of the two of you.
I know you are doing a great job, Kyri! Someday Charlie will be thanking you!!
Can't wait to see y'all again!
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