Since this was our first "official" halloween, we decided to go trick or treating as a bumble bee. I tried all week to get her to at least say "Treat" so when we got up to our neighbors doors, she could demonstrate some sort of Halloween mantra, but I never was successful.
We put Charlie in her costume and went outside to find tons of witches and space crusaders running around our front lawn (I guess the kids on our street congregate at our next door neighbors house) Charlie immediately joined in the fun and took off playing with the other kids. I was really impressed to see that her pumpkin I gave her to collect candy in, never hit the ground. She carried that thing everywhere, and wouldn't let go of it! What a good girl!
We ended up hitting a few houses on our street, and she got a few yummy treats to bring home. When we got back home, she had a blast taking each piece of candy out of her bag, then putting them all back in her bag. Back and forth, back and forth! I don't think she knew there were things to eat inside those wrappers. Hey, whatever makes you happy!!
We had so much fun together trick or treating! These new experiences are such a joy.

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