Just in the last month, Charlie has learned to wave, sit up, crawl, pull up to standing, clap her hands, give you 5, AND to feed herself small bits of "puffs". I am so amazed at how fast they learn things!!! And, I must add - say "Momma"!!! I am SOOO happy to hear those words!
Of course, I do find puffs on the floor, in her shirt, in her diaper, etc. But hey, at least 50% of them are hitting the mark! We ended up taking the plunge and creating a "play room" out of our dining room. It works very well, and she LOVES it! I am happy that she loves it, but am reluctantly happy too that my house has finally become "kid friendly"! ;) That is the interior designer talking in me. Here is a clip of her crawling debut!

Kyri, she's adorable!!
She is so cute! I also have a charli! =)
Love it!
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