We took our first vacation with Gammie and Gramps to Port Aransas in late April.
Port Aransas is on the Texas Coast. We had never been there before, and we really enjoyed the beach and the resort hotel we stayed at - Port Royal. The hotel had 4 pools that all interconnected and a huge slide at the end of one of the pools. It was still a little cold, and the water was pretty cool, but Jeff got in with Charlie for her swimming pool debut. We also went down to the beach and she got to see the ocean for the first time and feed the seagulls. This picture was taken from our balcony - just beautiful!
One day while we were there, Jeff and Dad went to play golf at the nearby golf course. Another day we did a tour of the USS Lexington aircraft carrier. The carrier tour was really fun and interesting! We had Charlie strapped in her baby carrier attached to Jeff and she loved looking out at everything.

Here is a picture of Jeff and Charlie in the hotel pool. Trust me, the ocean at the coast of Texas is a murky brown! Nothing that nice! Ha!
Then, another day we went to the Texas World Aquarium there in Port Aransas. We got to look at all kinds of fish, and animals and birds. Charlie loved the bird show! It is so funny seeing her reactions to things now. She had the funniest expressions.
We really did enjoy our time there and it was a much needed break for everyone. We all got to relax and eat yummy seafood! A few of the places we went to for dinner were - Moby Dick's, Virginia's, and the hotel restaurant.
If you ever have a short weekend to go and do something fun, and you live in the Dallas area - I would really try to get down to Corpus Christie and the Port Aransas area. It is a great place for a Family vacation.
So, now we can cross off the list - "seeing the

Ocean for the first time" for little Charlie. We have so much we want to do! She is so fun and she is such a sweet little girl. She has a great little spunky personality and I hope that never changes.
This summer is going to be so much fun - getting out and experiencing different things. We have really been stuck inside since she was born - over the winter, and so now we are going to take full advantage of the nice weather - that is, before it gets to hot - here in Texas. Right now the weather is perfect - mid 80's to low 90's. But I am sure it won't stay that way for long.

I would also like to apologize for not blogging on a regular basis. "I know, Charlie, you must be suprized at me!" Shame, Shame on Mommy! It is on the top of my priority list to blog every Sunday night. Charlie is doing so many fun things now, that we want everyone to be proud of how well we are learning, and at what a big girl we are getting to be!
We are 9 months old now and our first Birthday is right around the corner. Good grief how time flys! We have two teeth, we are sleeping in our own room, we know how to wave and say "da da", and we can crawl now (What a big Girl!)
We also give people the finger. "What?" you say, "Give people the finger?" Yes, give people the finger. I will leave this topic for another blog!
It is really pretty funny! Talk to ya'll next time.