Somebody looooves bath time. I won't say any names, but her initials are Charlie Hardin! We always have such a fun time giving Charlie a bath at night. In the beginning, when she was just a little thang, she would feel the water on her little skin and just cry the whole time. But now, she's such a big girl.

When the warm water hits her, she just looks up at us and grins. We bought this little tub with a unit attached that has a shower sprayer. It's called a "spa treatment" tub, because it also has this pump that when you press a button, it makes a whirlpool motion. Yeah, we know, she's spoiled rotten.
We had to stop using the whirlpool, because our future soccer player loves to kick her legs as hard as humanly possible and with the whirlpool on, water seems to splash all over Kyri and me. Come to think of it, maybe that's why she grins so much during bath time.
Wow, a baby spa bathtub. What will they think of next? That is too cute. You know Jeff you're only setting yourself up because before long she'll want to go to the real spas.
Ha ha! So true. That's okay. She and her Mommy can go to the spa and I'll stay at home and watch football. Then EVERYBODY wins.
She is SOOOOOO Cute! I already love her! Great talking to you tonight. Can't wait for tomorrow! Let's celebrate! Wiiiiiiiidnsdey
I love reading your blog and seeing the cute pictures of Charlie. The next time she's at my house, I hope she gets dirty so I can bathe her. Splash! Splash!
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