Charlie working with Boo in the Garden! She loves going outside to pick the "Pretty Flowers". She leans down and tries to smell them, but she blows out instead of sucking in. It is sooo cute!
We went to the Arboretum and let her loose in the open field. She ran so hard! I could see how much fun she was having running around without having to hold on to Mommy's hand. Unfortunatly, at the mall, if she didn't hold on to Mommy's hand, she would take off and never look back! She has a very adventurous spirit, and she is very independant!
We have been very busy learning! Charlie can spell her name, if you ask her to. She can count to 13, but then says fourteen about 5 times until I finally have to say 20! Yay! She knows her colors, and the letters of the alphabet. We have a little puzzle of the USA and she can show you where, Texas, Utah, California, and Montana are. I know, random, but you have to start somewhere!! ;)